The Importance of Masjid Al-Aqsa in Islam

Masjid Al-Aqsa is a holy place in Islam and is situated in the old city of Jerusalem Palestine. The Al-Aqsa mosque is a silver-domed mosque that is located inside al-Haram al-Sharif, also called Noble Sanctuary, a 35-acre compound which has four minarets and seventeen gates. The Masjid Al-Aqsa stands of great importance in Islam because […]
What is Hajj Mabroor? Complete Guide

Hajj is a crucial pillar of the Islam foundation, where millions of Muslims gather together, irrespective of their caste and colour. All the Muslims gather to perform their annual pilgrimage at the premises of Masjid al-Harm and circle around the holy Kaaba in Meccah, Saudi Arabia. Hajj is a spiritual journey in which a person […]
A Detailed History of Kaaba Over the Years

The history of Kaaba plays a vital role in Islamic culture as it teaches Muslims to live with unity and believe in one God. Kaaba is a black stone building in a square shape situated in the Masjid al-Haram in the holy city of Mecca. Kaaba is considered as a sacred site in Islam where […]
Understanding the Importance of the 5 Pillars of Islam

The true identity of Muslims is defined by their faith, practices, and belief in Allah. One must be aware of the 5 pillars of Islam. These are not just ordinary practices. The Muslim 5 pillars are the obligations that every Muslim must complete during their lifetime. As a matter of fact, one must consider these […]
Umrah Ziyarat Places in Makkah and Madinah You Must Visit

Umrah is a holy act of worship, and Ziyarat is a common thing that pilgrims do. Every year, thousands of pilgrims look for Umrah Ziyarat places to visit. Ziyarat refers to visiting religious sites. While performing Umrah, people opt for Ziyarat tours in Makkah and Madina Ziyarat places such as the pious shrines, pilgrimages, and […]
Understanding the Obligation of Hajj and Umrah

Understanding the obligation of Hajj and Umrah is quite essential in Islam. In Islam, both Hajj and Umrah hold a significant meaning. They both are holy acts of worship and are performed to find a spiritual connection between people and Allah. There are a few Islamic pilgrimage obligations required when you perform either Hajj or […]
What’s the Difference Between Hajj and Umrah?

Did you know that Hajj and Umrah are not similar? These are the act of worship in the Islamic culture but there’s a difference between Hajj and Umrah. To understand the concept of Umrah and Hajj, we must first find out what they are and their impact on Islam. Before reading further, you must know […]
What is the Significance of Hajj?

Hajj (an Arabic Word) is an annual pilgrimage performed by Muslims at least once in their lifetime to Makkah, Saudi Arabia i.e. the holiest place for Muslims. Hajj is regarded as the fifth fundamental of Islam known as the Five Pillars of Islam and a mandatory religious duty. Hajj is performed during the last month […]