Hajj, Umhra and Visas | CallforUmrah – Best Travel Agency

Is There Really a Best Time to Perform Umrah?

Masjid Al Haram

Umrah is a holy act of Allah’s worship that helps you warm merits for this life and the afterlife. But is there really the best time to perform Umrah? As a matter of fact, one can perform Umrah any time of the year. There is no particular period of the year when the pilgrims can […]

Understanding the Obligation of Hajj and Umrah

Obligation of Hajj and Umrah

Understanding the obligation of Hajj and Umrah is quite essential in Islam. In Islam, both Hajj and Umrah hold a significant meaning. They both are holy acts of worship and are performed to find a spiritual connection between people and Allah. There are a few Islamic pilgrimage obligations required when you perform either Hajj or […]

Do’s & Don’ts, Prohibitions, and Umrah Tips for Ladies

Umrah Tips for Ladies

Umrah tips for ladies are important as it is for gents to follow them during their journey. Umrah is a sacred act of worship that holds deep meaning and cultural significance in Islam. Whether it is men or women, everyone finds the concept of Umrah intriguing. Therefore, they show interest in performing Umrah at least […]

Important Tips to Perform a Healthy Umrah

Perform a Healthy Umrah

Millions of Muslims express their will to perform a healthy Umrah every year. But, only the fortunate ones can experience this sacred pilgrimage. The number of visitors that Umrah witnesses throughout the year is quite huge. Millions of people visit there to cleanse their past sins and seek blessings from Allah while performing Umrah. Visiting […]

What’s the Difference Between Hajj and Umrah?

Difference Between Hajj and Umrah

Did you know that Hajj and Umrah are not similar? These are the act of worship in the Islamic culture but there’s a difference between Hajj and Umrah. To understand the concept of Umrah and Hajj, we must first find out what they are and their impact on Islam. Before reading further, you must know […]

Understanding The Benefits of Performing Umrah in Ramadan

Performing Umrah in Ramadan

Umrah is more than just an act of worship. It is considered one of the most sacred activities in the Islamic religion. Wise men used to say that soul cleansing, mind, rejuvenation, purification, mental peace, and personal growth are some of the benefits of performing Umrah in Ramadan. This kind of worship promotes compassion, understanding […]

What is the significance of Umrah?

significance of Umrah

Introduction: Umrah Umrah (Arabic word- means “to visit a populated place”) is the minor pilgrimage performed by Muslims at the sacred place “Mecca”. In other words, Umrah can be defined as a shorter version of the annual Hajj gathering. Umrah opens the gateway for Muslims to refresh their faith, seek forgiveness, and pray for their […]