Understanding the Importance of the 5 Pillars of Islam

Importance of the 5 Pillars of Islam

The true identity of Muslims is defined by their faith, practices, and belief in Allah. One must be aware of the 5 pillars of Islam. These are not just ordinary practices. The Muslim 5 pillars are the obligations that every Muslim must complete during their lifetime. As a matter of fact, one must consider these 5 pillars of Islam as the foundation of their life and devotion to their religion.

The 5 pillars of Islam are Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj. All these pillars are different from one another. Each pillar signifies a different obligation that every individual performs. Muslims around the world show their interest in these practices. However, there’s an exception for performing these obligations if the physical, mental, and financial health of an individual does not allow them.

Furthermore, all Muslims who are followers of the Prophet Muhammad are obligated to follow these 5 pillars of Muslim religion. Whether you are a male or female and Sunni or Shia, performing these Muslim 5 pillars is a must. Moving forward, in this blog, we will discuss these five pillars of Muslim faith and their significance in Islam. Read further to discover these Muslim 5 pillars.

Shahadah The Declaration of Faith

Shahadah is the declaration of faith in Islam. It is the primary pillar among the 5 pillars of Islam. This pillar introduces the fundamental statement that every Muslim must commit to in order to accept Islam. The statement says that there is no God but God, and Muhammad, may peace be upon him, is the messenger of God. It is the foremost important component of Islam that promotes unity among Muslims. In simple words, it suggests that there is only one God. Following that, Muhammad is the messenger of God who presented the ways of God that everyone should follow. He was the recipient of the holy book of Islam, the Quran. Thus, he was guiding the Muslim community to follow God’s path as a declaration of faith in Islam.

Salah - The Prayers to Allah

Salah The Prayers to Allah

Salah or Salath are the prayers offered to Allah. In the 5 pillars of Islam, Salah indicates that a Muslim should perform prayers to Allah 5 times a day. But, before offering the prayers, one must clean itself properly. They should cleanse their faces, hands, and feet. There are some particular times set for each prayer time. One must strictly offer their prayers to Allah at the decided time. Each prayer of the day is known by a different name. The day’s first prayer is called ‘Fajr’, performed during dawn. The second prayer falls at noon, called ‘Zuhr’. Then there is ‘Asr’ which is the mid-afternoon prayer. After that, the evening prayer is called ‘Maghrib’. Lastly, there’s ‘Isha’ which is the last prayer. The person who offers the prayer must face the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. One can pray alone anywhere. On the other hand, you can offer prayer in the mosque to seek fellowship. Moreover, women on their periods, people with disabilities, and children who haven’t hit puberty yet are not required to perform prayer.

Zakat - Offering Charity to the Ones in need

Zakat Offering Charity to the Ones in need

Zakat is the act of being selfless in the 5 pillars of Islam. In this pillar, a Muslim must offer “Sadaqah” which is charity to the ones in need. They are bound to donate a specific percentage of their income and wealth to charity, which is decided to be 2.5%. Before offering charity to society, one must declare their intention of performing Zakat to Allah. Some wealthy Muslims donate their money to build mosques, hospitals, schools, public water coolers, and many other things that are for the benefit of humankind. Those with less income and limited wealth can make their contribution to society’s welfare with their good deeds, good intentions, and fair behaviour. 5 pillars of Muslim religion signify the beliefs and practices of a Muslim during his lifetime. Offering Zakat is one of the greatest practices among the 5 pillars of Islam because it is concerned with the well-being of those in need.

Sawm - Fasting During Ramadan

Sawm Fasting During Ramadan

In the five pillars of Muslim faith, Sawm is an act where people show gratitude towards God. The holy Quran was first revealed to Muhammad during the holy month of Ramadan. Since then, fasting has become a religious obligation as the symbol of sharing their hunger and thirst for the less fortunate ones. Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim. A person who intends to perform fasting during Ramadan should avoid eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. A person who is fasting should avoid eating, drinking, smoking, and intimacy. Overall, Sawm aims to learn to control one’s desires and understand the struggles of the unfortunate ones. Also, one should seek the guidance of Allah and maintain their faith in him. Also, one should seek the guidance of Allah and maintain their faith in him. People with severe health conditions, kids on the verge of puberty, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers should avoid fasting during Ramadan as it can be harsh on their health. In addition, women on their menstrual cycle should not perform fasting.

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Hajj - The Holy Pilgrimage in the 5 Pillars of Islam

The Holy Pilgrimage in the 5 Pillars of Islam

Hajj is the religious act of worshipping Allah and the final among the 5 pillars of Muslim religion. For Hajj, the pilgrims must visit the Great Mosque, Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to perform their obligatory duties towards Islam. As a matter of fact, Hajj cannot be performed at any time of the year. The 12th month of the lunar calendar is dedicated to performing Hajj. The 5 pillars of Islam state that this sacred pilgrimage is an obligation for every Muslim to visit at least once in their lifetimes. But, their physical and financial capabilities must allow them to attend this pilgrimage. It is the only among Muslim 5 pillars that is not obligatory for the ones who are financially and physically dependent on others’ help. Every year, pilgrims from all over the world visit the holy city of Mecca to perform Hajj on the 8th and 12th day of the Islamic calendar month. There are several rituals in Hajj such as Ihram, Tawaf, Arafat, Rami al-Jamarat, Sa’i, Mina, and Sacrifice. The act requires every pilgrim to come to the state of Ihram. Also, the pilgrims need to walk seven times in a counterclockwise direction around the Kaaba. Basically, Hajj is a spiritual journey in the five pillars of Muslim faith where the pilgrims seek a spiritual connection between them and Allah. Also, they perform Hajj to seek Allah’s blessings, ask for forgiveness for their sins, and earn merits for this life and afterlife.

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