Umrah Mubarak Wishes: Heartfelt Blessings During Sacred Journey

Umrah Mubarak Wishes

Searching for the best wishes before leaving for Umrah Journey? We all have various thoughts on conveying our spiritual sentiments to someone embarking on their Umrah journey. The Umrah journey is a spiritual and significant experience for Islam. Embarking on this beautiful journey involves visiting the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina, where pilgrims partake in heartfelt rituals to feel closer to Allah.

If a loved one or a friend is getting ready to perform Umrah, it’s an excellent gesture to share your warmest wishes with them. By offering your prayers, you encourage them to complete the spiritual journey with the utmost priority and purity. Continue with this blog to learn Umrah Mubarak wishes in English, Urdu, and Arabic.

Best Wishes Before Leaving For Umrah Journey

بسم الله، والحمد لله. سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وما كان لنا أن نملك له سلطانًا. وإنا إلى ربنا راجعون. الحمد لله، الحمد لله، الحمد لله. الله أكبر، الله أكبر، الله أكبر. سبحانك يا الله، ظلمت نفسي فاغفر لي، فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت.

bism allahi, walhamdu lillahi. subhanallahi sakhara lana hadha wama kan lana ‘an naml lah sltanan. wa’iinaa ‘iilaa rabina raji’un. alhamd lilhi, alhamdu lillahi, alhamdu lillahi. Allah ‘akbar, allahu ‘akbar, allahu ‘akbar. subhanak ya allahu, zalamt nafsi faghfir li, fa’iinah la yaghfir aldhunub ‘iilaa ‘anta.

خدا کے نام سے اور حمد خدا کے لئے۔ پاک ہے وہ جس نے اسے ہمارے تابع کر دیا اور اس پر ہمارا کوئی اختیار نہیں تھا۔ اور ہم اپنے رب کی طرف لوٹنے والے ہیں۔ اللہ کا شکر ہے، اللہ کا شکر ہے، اللہ کا شکر ہے۔ خدا عظیم ہے، خدا عظیم ہے، خدا عظیم ہے۔ تو پاک ہے، اے معبود، میں نے اپنے آپ پر ظلم کیا ہے، تو مجھے معاف کر دے، کیونکہ تیرے سوا کوئی گناہوں کو معاف نہیں کرتا۔

In the name of Allah, we express our gratitude for His mercy and power. This reminds us of our purpose and the temporary nature of life. We will all return to our Lord and reflect on our actions. Praise Allah, as  He guides us at every stage of our complicated life. Allah is the greatest, and beyond our understanding, we can define the spiritual power of our merciful god. Glory be to You, O Allah; I admit my mistakes and ask for Your forgiveness, knowing You are the only one who forgives.

Other Leaving For Umrah Messages In Urdu

عمرة مباركة! نسأل الله أن يجعل عمرتك مقبولة ويرزقك السلام والسعادة.

Eumrat mubarakatun! nas’al allah ‘an yajeal eumratak maqbulatan wayarzuquk alsalam walsaeadata.

مرہ مبارک! ہم اللہ سے دعا گو ہیں کہ وہ آپ کا عمرہ قبول فرمائے اور آپکو سکون اور خوشی عطا فرمائے۔

Wishing you a joyful Umrah. May Allah lovingly accept your Umrah and shower you with peace and happiness.

جعلت عمرتك خيرا وبركة وهداية ونورا.

Jaealat eumratuk khayran wabarakatan wahidayatan wanura.

پ کا عمرہ خیر و برکت، ہدایت اور نور سے معمور ہو۔

Wishing you an enriching Umrah filled with goodness, blessings, guidance, and light.

تقبل الله أعمالك وحقق أمانيك.

Taqabal allah ‘aemalak wahaqaq ‘amanika.

لہ آپ کے اعمال کو قبول فرمائے اور آپ کی خواہشات کو پورا کرے۔

Wishing that Allah beautifully accepts your deeds and fulfills all your heartfelt wishes.

نسأل الله أن ييسر لك عمرتك ويحفظك في ذهابك وايابك.

Nas’alullah ‘an yuy sir lak eumratak wayahfazak fi dhahabik wa abika.

م اللہ سے دعا گو ہیں کہ وہ آپ کے عمرہ کو آپ کے لیے آسان بنائے اور آپ کے راستے اور واپسی میں آپ کی حفاظت فرمائے۔

We pray Allah makes your Umrah a smooth and delightful journey, keeping you safe in both directions.

عمرة مباركة وعودة مشرفة.

Eufrat mubarakat waeaw dat musyarifatun.

عمرہ اور بحفاظت واپسی مبارک ہو۔

Wishing you a joyful Umrah and a safe journey back home!

Best Umrah Message To Friends

بارك الله فيك ورزقك راحة البال.

barak allah fik warazaqak rahat albali.

Sending you warm blessings and hoping you find incredible peace in your life.

بارك الله فيك ورزقك حياة سعيدة.

barakallah fik warizqak hayatan saeidatan.

Here’s to wishing you abundant blessings and a truly joyful life. May Allah grant you the best blessings during your Umrah.

أسأل الله العلي القدير أن يرفع درجاتك في دعائك ويتقبل دعاءك.

‘af’al allah alealia al qadir ‘an yarfai darajatik fi daeayik wayataqabal duea’aka.

I sincerely pray that God Almighty lifts you in your prayers and graciously accepts your duas, blessing you with a life filled with peace, health, and joy.

بارك الله فيك ورزقك حياة سعيدة.

Barakallah fik warizqak hayatan saeidatan.

May you be blessed by God and enjoy a joyful life.

رزقك الله الحب والإيمان لحياة سعيدة.

Rizq allah alhubbu wal iman lihayat saeidatin.

Wishing you a life filled with love and faith, guided by the blessings of the Almighty.

يومك سعيد، ودمت سالمًا معافى. بارك الله فيك.

Yawmuk saeid, wadumt salman mueafaa. Barak Allahu fik.

Wishing you a wonderfully happy day filled with safety and good health. May you always feel the blessings around you.

We also mentioned the Umrah Mubarak wishes in English to help convey heartfelt messages. Please consider learning the meaning of each wish before conveying them, as most duas or prayers differ and hold different significance in your life.

Importance of Sending Good Wishes For Umrah

Sending Good Wishes For Umrah

Although not obligatory like Hajj, performing Umrah is a highly recommended act of worship. It allows Muslims to cleanse their sins, seek Allah’s forgiveness, and earn immense rewards. When someone you know is preparing for Umrah, they are about to embark on a journey of spirituality, and during this sacred pilgrimage, they form a sweet connection with Allah. Therefore, you must send your blessings, prayers, and well-wishes to show your support. You can share varied best wishes before leaving for Umrah journeys. Some examples are noted here:

After wishing them well, you can encourage a pure heart for Umrah, focused on devotion to Allah. You can also advise them on the rituals and suggest how to perform duas properly. Consider gifting a prayer mat, Quran, or an Islamic book to support their Umrah journey. During their travels, you can also pray for their well-being and safety. Additionally, you can request that they pray for you and seek Allah’s blessings in your stead.


Sending someone a safe journey Umrah Wishes is a beautiful way to express your love, prayers, and support for their sacred journey. You can convey your thoughts and wishes in multiple languages, including English, Urdu, or Arabic, as spirituality does not belong to one language. The wishes you share can help make their journey even more special. Your words act as a diamond in a coal mine; wish them well in their spiritual quest.


How Do You Wish Someone Well For Their Umrah Journey?

I wish you a blessed Umrah. May Allah kindly accept your duas and fill your heart with joy.

I wish you always to be surrounded by Allah’s mercy and blessings. Stay safe, and embrace a more tranquil journey ahead. “آپ کا دن اچھا گزرے، اور محفوظ اور صحت مند رہیں۔ خدا آپ کو خوش رکھے۔”

Allah will protect you and your inner peace during the Umrah Journey: نسأل الله أن ييسر لك عمرتك ويحفظك في ذهابك وايابك

Safe Journey Umrah Wishes: I hope you have a joyful day surrounded by safety and good health. May you continuously experience the blessings that life has to offer once you perform Umrah.

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